A to Z Challenge: April 2016,  Crochet,  Knitting

A to Z Challenge: K is for Knitting vs Crocheting

Photo credit: Jenn and Tony Bot via Foter.com / CC BY-NC
Photo credit: Jenn and Tony Bot via Foter.com / CC BY-NC

KIf someone asked me which I prefer: crocheting or knitting, I would tell them without batting an eye, crochet, every time. Let me tell you why.

The differences between the two are like comparing a manual transmission vehicle to an automatic. In a manual car, you use two feet to drive. Automatics use only one.

Some people swear by manual transmissions, loving the control they give and the extra power that comes along with that.

Let’s just say, I never learned to drive a stick.

I prefer using only one foot to drive, as much as I prefer to use one hook to crochet instead of the two needles it takes to knit (sometimes more if you are working with double-pointed needles in the round).

Photo credit: rachelakelso via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA
Photo credit: rachelakelso via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA

Crocheting is just easier for me. If my hook falls out of the loop, and a stitch is dropped in the process, I can pick back up the previous loop on my hook and begin working into the next stitch again. No harm done. No hearts need to stop or breath needing to be held, while I search for my lost stitch.

When I knit, a dropped stitch could be disastrous! The little buggers can easily get eaten by the tangled web of stitches from the previous row. If I had done a purl stitch instead of knit stitch, as the pattern had called for, in a previous row, trying to go back to correct the visible error my mistake created, wouldn’t be as easy as it would be if I’d been crocheting the same piece.

Photo credit: knittymarie via Foter.com / CC BY-SA
Photo credit: knittymarie via Foter.com / CC BY-SA

In knitting, my fixes would consist of attempting to reverse knit in order to backtrack to the error in question; I could also take the stitches off the needles completely and unravel the working yarn until the row with the error is found. Once I reach the row with the error, I can pick up the prior rows stitch loops one-by-one onto my knitting needle, as I unravel the final stitches leading to the problem area.

Both options prove difficult.

With crocheting, especially when making amigurumi, all you have to do is pull the working yarn to unravel each row, backing the stitch marker to the prior rows start each time you reach it. Once you’ve back-tracked far enough, you can just pick up the one loop available and begin crocheting into the next stitch again.

With the stitches being worked one-by-one instead of having them all active on a knitting needle, crocheting is so much simpler in my eyes.

Not to say that I haven’t spoken to many people who find knitting an easier feet than crocheting. I even have friends that feel this way, who are avid knitters. They acknowledge the annoyance that happens when you drop a stitch, but they would choose knitting over crocheting any day.

Having told you my difficulties with knitting and admitting that I would pick crochet as my favorite any day of the week, I will say this: I still knit. I love knitting.

Will I be making my own patterns up in the near future? Probably not.

Photo Credit: J.H. Winter
Photo Credit: J.H. Winter

I don’t have that large a grasp of the medium to create something never been made before. For pattern-making, I will stick with making up crochet amigurumi patterns (see post for Making Patterns). I will still make other crafter’s knitting patterns as gifts for people. I love making slippers, ever since my mom passed the slipper-making torch over to me when her hands needed to give up knitting. My dad has had the same homemade slippers made for him since as far back as I can remember; made with tassels every time. I’m not going to be the one to stop that tradition.

I’ve made a shrug and blanket in the past as well. Knitting is very relaxing to me if the pattern is fairly simple. Someday, when there’s more time, I hope to make myself a sweater (preferably with pockets). A scarf would be nice too and maybe a pair of fingerless gloves. When it comes to making clothes, I would pick knitting over crocheting any day.

For my amigurumi though, just leave me with some yarn, a stitch marker, and a size E crochet hook, and I’ll be good to go. Oh, and a pair of scissors would be nice! Thanks.

Which do you prefer: knitting or crocheting? Why? What is your favorite thing that you’ve ever made with yarn?

Enter to win the A to Z Challenge Giveaway (amigurumi crocheted dog) here.

Photo credit: hello-julie via Foter.com / CC BY
Photo credit: hello-julie via Foter.com / CC BY
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  • Molly Charboneau

    Ah, the age old conflict! I learned crochet first, came to knitting later, and have different feelings about each technique. You are right about crochet being less stressful in the dropped stitch department! But I find knitting, especially when repeating many rows of a well-learned pattern, provides a deeper meditative state. Visiting from A to Z Challenge (which is keeping me away from my yarn-related projects at the moment!).
    Molly of Molly’s Canopy

    • JHWinter

      I completely agree about the meditative state that knitting can provide (when it is knitting repetitious rows/patterns, with little thought required). I’m glad you stopped by! I hope you keep checking back 🙂

  • Morgan Katz

    Very cute blog. I’ve never learned how to crochet, but it looks easier than knitting. Dropped stitches are incredibly annoying- agree. I did some knitting when I was little and remember how annoying it was when I dropped the stitch! Cute rainbow yarn photo. I love rainbows 🙂 .

    Morgan at morgankatz505.blogspot.com

    • JHWinter

      There are some knitting patterns, that at first glance, I have no idea where to begin. As with anything, I’m sure it will just take more practice. One of these days I’ll have the time to make myself a sweater!

  • Vilje Daisuki

    I agree with you, I much prefer crochet, maybe because I feel I have a deeper grasp of crochet than knitting, but I would love to make knitted garments, I think knitting is better than crochet for garments so I am adamant about learning to knit. I am on an knitting adventure and the goal is to one day make a dress but I am slowly making my way there.

    • JHWinter

      For clothes, knitting provides a much more flexible stitch. The only way I know in crochet to achieve this is to use much larger hooks and/or have the item worked up almost in a netting sort of way, with large gaps between the stitches. We are on the same page about knitting and crocheting it seems 🙂

  • Patricia Lynne

    I’m the exact opposite. I love knitting and can only do a long chain with a crochet hook. Probably because I learned to knit when I was 7 so I can do it without looking and trying to crochet is slow and tedious.

    • JHWinter

      You are like my friend who learned how to knit first. She can knit amigurumi using double pointed needles. When it came to crocheting an elephant ear for a pattern she was making, I made those for her because crocheting just frustrated her. I am starting to teach how to crochet amigurumi on my YouTube Channel if you are interested in learning 🙂

  • Stefani

    I feel the same exact way that you do. Crocheting is more relaxing in that I don’t have to worry about messing up. I do love to knit but the stress of messing up really does make it a little less enjoyable.

    • JHWinter

      Exactly. I have to think a lot more about what I’m doing when I knit. I have to make sure, not only to get the pattern correct, but also to go slow enough so I don’t drop any stitches. The end results are amazing, but getting there can be a bit nerve-racking.

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