WISHWEAVER Wednesday: First 3 Chapters of WISHWEAVER Read Aloud!
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The book is coming out in one week! I can’t wait to share it with all of you. Until then, I wanted to read for you the first three chapters as a sneak peek inside the book!
I hope you enjoyed the first three chapters of Wishweaver and are now looking forward to the rest of the book and the release on Sept. 1! There will be a Live Event on the day of at 9 AM PST, going on over on Ink & Stitches YouTube and the J.H. Winter Facebook Page. Make sure to subscribe and ring the bell over there so YouTube will let you know every time there’s a new video or I go live!
At the release day Live Event, I’ll be announcing the Grand Prize Bundle Giveaway winner, answering questions, and some special surprises. You won’t want to miss it! Get your entries in for the Grand Prize Bundle below!