A to Z Challenge: S is for Sock Puppet
Since I began working at the library over six years ago, I have been involved in several side projects along the way. I've made posters for Bike to Work Day and Earth Day events; created a shadowbox fish tank with illustrations that fit over a book cart (a future post to come on this project) for Staff Development Day; and my most recent venture which had me creating a video for another Staff Day where I created sock puppets to be the actors for the story.
I had to create all the backdrops for the puppet show as well as any props that were needed. It was my largest endeavor yet and many hours were put into the creation of the story, its characters, the filming, and the editing, post production. I became a writer, director, producer, singer, and actor all rolled into one.
After the script was written, I set out to start on the puppets. I knew that getting my coworkers at the library to act and figuring out how to make the character costumes would prove too difficult, so I thought sock puppets were the best alternative. All but one of the sheep puppets, were made by me.
Every night I got out my socks, felt, hot glue gun, and scissors and got to work. Many burned fingers later, I had 15 puppets and was ready to begin production of the film, The Littlest Librarian. In case you're interested in watching the film, here is the full version from YouTube:
I had to crop the length of the video down to about half that size for Staff Development Day. A lot of the heart of the story became lost in the end, but I was proud of the full, unedited version as you see it above.
The sock puppets were a lot of fun to make, and I plan to teach you all how to make one in a future post.
Which character would you like to learn how to make? Here is a list of the main characters with pictures to choose from:
Princess Reesa
Let me know in the comments which character you're interested in seeing how to make: Princess Reesa, the sheep, the dragon, the wolf, or the lion. I'll make sure my tutorial on how to make a sock puppet is made using the winner!