A New Book Coming Out in 2020 by J.H. Winter!: What I'm Working On

So, it's been awhile. 

Well, I suppose, it's been since the Catghan ended that I last posted anything here on my blog.

I started a Patreon in the hopes of being able to spend my time working on my crochet work since it seemed like the author/illustrator stuff really wasn't taking off any time soon. 

Beginning in November 2019, I started working at Target as a seasonal team member, hoping to stay on after the holidays too. It would seem, an added side-hustle was in order (I did get hired on by the way :D).

I created the Dogghan pattern and then the pattern testing began. When the pattern testing was over halfway complete, I got an email... 

Incorgnito Publishing Press, aka the publishers who I've been working with on the Theodore and the Enchanted Bookstore series, were interested in publishing one of my other stories, and wanted to turn it into a series as well. It would be under their children's book imprint, Corgi Bits, that my books would find their home. 

The first book is set for release in the Fall of 2020. This series will be heavily illustrated, akin to the Amelia Fang series by Laura Ellen Anderson. It will have pictures on every spread. Over 100 to be precise. It will be a chapter book for the older side of chapter book readers (ages 7-9). The name of the series is:

Tales of Whimsy

-Book One-









If you've followed my journey to publication for awhile now, you might have heard of my orb spider character, Whimsy. Her story began as a picture book and I decided it was much larger than a 500-word picture book could allot. She needed more. 

Now, thanks to Corgi Bits, Whimsy will have her tales, and there will be many of them. 

So, as I sit here writing this post, I am reminded that I need to get all of the illustrations finished by the end of March for Wishweaver. That means I need to get back to work!

My own journey is taking a very interesting and exciting turn. I promise to bring you along for the ride!


P.S. For those of you waiting for the Dogghan, have no fear! I am also working on finishing that up and getting ready to begin the CAL as well. I'll keep you posted.


A Wondrous DIY Project for Our Days in Isolation!
